Tuesday, August 9, 2016

On the New World

Tonight I'm in a great mood for writing. I'm in a great mood for living, too, but the time of day for making a real difference in that respect ended a while ago. So I'm gonna lay forth my ideology in the clearest terms possible. For those who don't know the specifics, I call it the New World, and it's basically a synthesis of many viewpoints which have directed me throughout the years.

The New World is our ideology; based in meekness and frivolity, yet holding an excellent might as needed. One needs not go far to presume that we live in a very fucked up world – and thus a very fucked up society. The way things stand, you often must fall through the cracks of society to reach what is good and profitable. And it shouldn't be so, that the great masses of people will live in such great delusion and infighting. There is a homeostatic imbalance in our predisposition as a society.

Think for a moment of the forgotten impoverished, and those who don't feel the invisible hand rush to their aid. Nor do they see the real hands rush to them, either. The ones who lack even the knowledge of the invisible strings, whose only feasible reaction to the world is one of philosophical suicide. Consider the sadness of the friendless, and the sadness of the real-friendless. And of all those who have been cast into damnation by social relations, to the point of surrender.

Think of the people who turn to hurting others. Without any other visible recourse, they sadly raise arms against their brothers and sisters. In extension they do so against themselves. Think of the well-natured people who at times are suddenly morphed into the vehicles of hatred. The vehicles of the same hatred which has conspired to destroy what they love.

Think of the people left behind, despite all the rhetoric about not leaving anyone behind. The people that our society has failed. The gentle people and the calm people, who live and work and pay what is due of them. The ones who make everything as it should be, but then are lost in our house of cards.

Finally, think of what a great mirror would show when reflected onto our masses. There would surely be an overrepresentation of the exceptional citizenry. But this reflection would also find malices which we could never have contemplated.

It's difficult to think about from our personal narratives of salvation and renewed decency, and little is easy about it. Can anyone believe that there are some people – recognizable adults – which haven't discovered their salvation from the night forces of life, and who likely may never? Some of us understand. And we really, really understand. We know the pain which people feel and the way it impacts others. Perhaps we see ourselves in this, and that is why we want to help.

We have poured over the great literary geniuses of the past, and the prospective advances of the future. We've been in foxholes and at the cornucopia of all human enlightenment. And the New World is our attempt at synthesizing the grand principles which we have uncovered as the grandest.

We choose to live to the highest standard of decency, as all people must strive. And when someone doesn't quite meet the pretty picture we desire, it is our place to keep our passion and to notice their perspective. Breaking an egg comes in several ways on hand. And we need to see that the nourishment of grace does not come with only one of them.

Some people want to break your heart and build it back, just to see their own reflection. But the New World is the force which stands for you in this situation. We want to build your heart and help you build your own character.

We don't want our rhetoric to distance us as shining examples, too far removed from the common people. We are the common people, and the common voices. So if any of this monologue has convinced you, or if any part of you wishes to help us build a better world, then please join the New World today.

Our Google Plus group: https://plus.google.com/communities/110697974840134639148

Thank you,

John Lockers

1 comment:

  1. Идеология и Истина ВРАГИ ! Как я говорил уже ранее, в сообществе - вижу выход, в распространении ВСЕОБЩЕЙ ИСТИНЫ для ВСЕХ : https://plus.google.com/117961390738617968478/posts/i72za3YTy3e
