Monday, July 31, 2017

Life Holiday/Done with Dejection

An important foreword:

Amid the insanity of the R. Kelly cult, I figured I'd give my two cents. Don't we all see ourselves aspiring to the beautiful people, hoping to join them one day? Whether this is about power, sex, money, affection or the likes, I think this mentality is pervasive. Now, we don't all join up in some weird watersports cult and get pissed on by a narcissistic rapper. But don't we all make some gestures to get what we want?

It's dangerous to think of these people as superheroes. Everyone has skeletons in the closet. Nobody is better than anyone else, and nobody can control another person. If you mean to chase beauty, intelligence, success, etc, the price should never be your soul. Never put yourself in danger. Never wander into torture when looking for pleasure. Never wander into slavery while pursuing the ultimate freedom. You are already so beautiful, and you'll grow even moreso in the future. Just make sure you give yourself the freedom of expression and the care you need!

Life Holiday/Done with Dejection

Masters of choice,
Hear me clearly.
Hear my voice:
I love you dearly.

I've searched for somewhere
Where I can be free
While I settled to this life
These chains, to me.

But I'm plotting my escape
To do the deal shortly
Cybernetic warrior sapient
My mind is full, unhappy.

Take me in, give me food
Even if you take my brain
My body and all
Give me that security of choice

That domino to fall
Crash against this life
Wreck this place
Where people embarrass themselves,

Make me whole
Never been complete before
Caring for others
Never for my own.

Give me some purpose
Stern direction to this blind,
Even with evil at the surface
This mind will be mine.

John Lockers

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